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Documate Quickstart

Documate is an open-source tool designed to seamlessly integrate an AI chat dialog into your documentation site.

It uses your content to generate real-time answers to user questions, effectively acting as a "ChatGPT" for your platform.

Getting Started

Documate can integrate with popular frameworks you're already familiar with, and it's versatile enough to be incorporated into your custom project.

Please choose a framework below to get started:

The following frameworks are coming soon:

  • Vuepress
  • Docus
  • General React Project

Key Features

Hassle-free Integration

Documate can integrate with popular frameworks you're already familiar with, such as VitePress, Docusaurus, Docsify, etc. Additionally, it's versatile enough to be incorporated into your custom project.

Easy to Use

No AI or vector search knowledge required. Simply follow a few steps, and you can integrate Documate into your site in minutes.

Fully Controllable

You own the code, you own your data, and you can even choose which pages of your content to index.

Fully Accessible

Documate is designed for accessibility. It supports full keyboard navigation and is compatible with screen readers.

Fully Customizable

While provides a default UI tailored for your chosen framework, it's also completely adaptable to meet your specific needs.


These examples can serve as headless templates to kickstart a new documentation site featuring Documate. For the full list, please visit Documate examples directory on GitHub.

npm create documate@latest --template vitepress
npm create documate@latest --template vitepress
npm create documate@latest --template docusaurus
npm create documate@latest --template docusaurus
npm create documate@latest --template docsify
npm create documate@latest --template docsify
npm create documate@latest --template rspress
npm create documate@latest --template rspress
npm create documate@latest --template nextra
npm create documate@latest --template nextra

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